Micah Lebrun

"When the Rock Stops Rollin'" 2003
12" x 12"
Acrylic, Ink & Pencil on Panel
"An old Guns N Roses fan, I have always wanted to do a painting of the most iconic member of the band; Slash. Since I never got around to it when the Roses were together and on top of their game while touring w/ Metalica on the Use Your Illusion tour in the late '90's, I opted to visually represent the guitarist as an old washed up musician, sans band, playing for change in Venice Beach, Ca. (Sorry Slash)
I over exaggerated his recognizable features such as hat, leather pants, sun glasses and whiskey bottle while adding the elements of large stomach and wife beater to convay that destitute, has been look.
Note the skate boarders in the background for the Venice Beach setting.
Overall the piece was ment to be a character based scene of what may be. I tried to paint the feeling of the figure in a light hearted and whimsical way in addition to keeping the color palatte minimal and feminine so as not to create too much of the hard rock edge which Slash had so completely embodied in his carrear.
My gratitude to Slash and the rest of the band for many hours of high energy entertainment while painting."
By Micah Lebrun
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