arthead sf

arthead sf blog was created to bring readers the meaning behind the art. These are not critiques or interviews with artists. Each feature is written entirely by the artist, revealing only what they feel and want readers to know about the featured piece. If you see a piece of art you'd like to know the meaning me. And subscribe to my blog below to get updates when new features are posted!


Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Ryan Malley

Oil on Canvas

"This painting is called "gazebo" it's the first piece in a series i'm working on for a show next year. Most of the work i've been doing lately is photo based and centers around the tenderloin/tendernob neighborhood that i've been living in for the past two years.

All of the work for this show will be based around the idea of group interactions and how the individual contributes to the larger picture. Another thing i want to concentrate on with this series is action outside of what the viewer can see.

With most of my work i try to bring attention to things that people tend to overlook. On a day to day basis we just do our thing, pretty wrapped up in our own little worlds, too busy to take the time and see what's really going on around us. So i figure i should maybe show people what they're missing. . The corner depicted is jones@o'farrell in front of the Gazebo smoke shop. On a seperate occasion i went back to shoot some reference and almost got into a fight with a crack dealer whose pic i snapped. fun stuff."

By Ryan Malley


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